We Are The Best Metal Roofing Experts Serving Dallas/Fort Worth
Providing Quality Metal Roofing Repair and Installation Services For Over 28 Years. We are your Metal Roofing Experts in DFW!
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Our thoughts on Roofing
Do It Right The First Time, and stick around!
Let’s face it, everyone says that they are great at what they do but do they have the long term track record to back it up. We have been providing quality roofing services in the Dallas / Fort Worth area for a long time. A Metal Roof in DFW by Classic Superoof is second to none. We don’t just show up for the storms and leave when they are done. We offer roofing services and have helped thousands of North Texas homeowners and businesses solve roofing their issues since 1992.
Our Core Services
Corrugated Metal Roof
Standing Seam Panel
Metal Shingles
Just Being Awesome
Advantages to metal roofs
We love all things metal. There is no other way to say it having a metal roof has advantages that makes you feel warm and cozy in your bed at night.
Hand down there is nothing as durable as a metal roof. With a professional installed roof you can bring on the North Texas storms.
Our modern metal roofs have a Class A or UL Class 4 fire retardant rating.
Our Recent Projects
Over 28 Years business we have the work to show for it.
Successful Projects
This is a lot of roofs. Ask the next guy if they have done this many roofs.
Satisfied Clients
You know you can’t please everybody but we are pretty close.
“I did not know how much more I would love my steel roof until the first big storm it.”